
Buyers + SellersFrequently Asked Questions

  • The process can be tough, and you often only get one chance to do it right. We will help you navigate this process as he have done hundreds of times before. Not only will the terms and process be better, but you will be more able to focus on running your business during the transaction, which is of utmost importance!

  • Well we could certainly brag about our experience and track record here, but it speaks for itself. One major difference is that Becker and Beggs can coordinate all of the legal services you need rather than “handing you off” to an attorney to get to closing. This prevents additional complexity, EXPENSE, and time to closing.

  • Fees vary depending on the business, size, scope, etc., but generally we collect a small fee up front to get rolling, and then a percentage-based success fee at the end. We may offer other services that will maximize the deal terms along the way. Most of the time, our fees are covered by negotiating higher sale prices and better terms that the Seller would have expected.

  • The process of selling a business can take a long time - maybe up to a year. So it is better to plan ahead. There is not time too soon to start planning for an exit. If we think the time isn’t right, we’ll tell you. Don’t wait until it is too late and the timeline pressures the deal. Let’s discuss timeline in a free consultation today!

  • Business valuations are a science AND an art. Our process will help a Seller determine how much their business is worth, and then maximize the sale price. We can help you forecast what your after-tax earnings will be on a sale. Rest assured, we will get you top dollar.

  • A Seller’s involvement after the sale is often a key point in the negotiation. Sometimes a Seller can maximize the sale price by offering to help the Buyer in a transition after the sale. We will work with you to identify your goals and come up with a plan that works best for you!